Degrees of Separation


Degrees of Separation

Are you missing your regulators, those cues and that body language that enable you to adjust your responses and the gestures that convey feedback?

To differing extents, you derive important connection-enhancing, energy-lifting information from your human interactions and, whilst you, hopefully, remain connected there is a distinct difference which can leave gaps, of which you may initially have not been aware.


Changing Days!


Changing Days!

Are you up for exploring new levels of focus and personal productivity?

With ‘stay at home’ changing how many of us go about our work, your Monday to Friday routines and habits have
almost certainly ceased, slowly (and possibly unconsciously) being replaced by new routines as you learn how to be at your best at your home work stations.

You have now been presented with a perfect opportunity to heighten your awareness! You can evaluate what stays,
what goes and what new routines to adopt to enhance your energy levels, your impact, your attitude and your everyday performance.


Push or Pull - Feel the Force

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Push or Pull - Feel the Force

For those of us working in a form or quarantine, we may be experiencing new thoughts, feelings and moods as our everyday drive to action and choices have changed. But perhaps gaps (and possibly potential moments of stillness) are appearing in your days? Our everyday drive to action and choices have changed, maybe forever. Are new opportunities arising as some old familiar challenges are no longer prevalent or relevant?

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Food for Thought

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Food for Thought

Thoughts trigger feelings which trigger further thoughts. The thoughts-feelings-actions wheel turns all the time, influencing our attitude, conversations and the impact we have. With significant reference to the Coronavirus we are all experiencing today, it affects our immune system. What are you feeding your mind? How are you rationing your consumption to provide the vitamins you need?

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Absolute implies conclusion, the end, no more discussion, complete. Any absolute expression eliminates further creative thought and closes off wiggle room or increases the resistance to change or alteration. What absolute terms show up in your language?

The words you use make up a significant element of the impact you have on others, on what you cause. But in this simple note I specifically want to alert you to the effect they have on you, on the thoughts that follow (or rather, don’t).

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How to Create Momentum


How to Create Momentum

As a “Simple Noter” you will often have read my work pointed at shifting life and work emphasis. This week I have been in dialogue with clients on potential culture and performance changing projects that are demanding more and more from them. How do you ensure you can maintain or increase acceleration? Fear not - youre not alone!


The Secret of Leadership Magnetism


The Secret of Leadership Magnetism

The potential of your leadership power exists whether you work alone or managing a team of hundreds. The world’s most successful leaders and the leaders for whom you may have worked and experienced the strongest urge to follow, will be followers of something greater than them. What is you passion? What do you and your leadership stand for?
